School uniform
We know that wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school pupil. It teaches children to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance.
That’s why we have developed a smart and comfortable uniform which is liked by both our children and their parents.
Our school uniform
Our school has an active uniform. Full guidance details are below:
The main uniform
Active uniform pupils are asked to wear as follows:
- Purple hoodie/zip up top
- White t-shirt
- Black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings/skort or shorts
- Black trainers
- Purple sweatshirt/cardigan
- Black trousers/skirt
- Black tights/white socks
- Black school shoes
All children will be required to wear our Active Uniform on PE days. If your child is new to the school we understand it may take time for your branded items to arrive and unbranded jumpers/hoodies are acceptable. We sell pre-loved uniform regularly after school – look out for details in our newsletters.
To ensure the smooth running of our classes and to cause the least amount of stress (to all), we ask you to ensure that all your child’s items of clothing are labelled clearly with their name.
The wearing of jewellery to school is not allowed and children are asked to only wear stud earrings (one in each ear) if they have their ears pierced. These should not be fashion earrings but plain gold/silver studs please. These will have to be removed by your child for PE and swimming.
A small functional watch may be worn.
How to buy
Our school uniform can be purchased online from the Brigade Uniform website.
and don’t forget pre-loved uniform is for sale
View our school uniform